Play Fixtures and Match Play
The Redland Bay Tennis Club offers fixture competition for club players of all standards and ages.
See below for more details on each competition.
Two seasons of fixture competition are held each year. The first season runs from February to June and the second season runs from July to December.
Monday Night
Singles Fixtures
Times: 6:30pm - 9:00pm (approx.)
Cost: $200 per term or $120 per term if you are playing in a competition at Redland Bay Tennis Club.
Round robin sections (No UTR)
Full set to 6 games, tie break at 5-all
A single long deuce is played then short deuce (if required); the receiver chooses which side to return
Each player is be guaranteed 3 singles matches per night
Term based commitment, players to find their own fill-ins
Players will be put into round-robin draws of 4 players.
Most matches won in the pool moves you 1 pool higher the following week
Lowest points that night moves down one pool
Top pool cannot move up
Bottom pool cannot move down
Players to find their own fill in and that player is not eligible to move up that week
Monday Night
Doubles Fixtures
Times: 6:30pm - 9:00pm (approx.)
Cost: $200 per term or $120 per term if you are playing in a competition at Redland Bay Tennis Club.
Round robin sections (UTR available for all players)
Full set to 6 games, tie break at 5-all
A single long deuce is played then short deuce (if required); the receiver chooses which side to return
Each player is be guaranteed 3 singles matches per night
Players can find their own partner (any ability or gender) or Pro Shop can find you a partner, if needed
Players will be put into round-robin draws of 4 players.
Most matches won in the pool moves you 1 pool higher the following week
Lowest points that night moves down one pool
Top pool cannot move up
Bottom pool cannot move down
Players to find their own fill in and that player is not eligible to move up that week
Tuesday Night
Doubles Fixtures
Times: 7:00pm - 9:00pm (approx.)
Cost: $95 per term ( 2 payments per season)
3 players per team
Play 4 sets per round, consisting of 8 games, winner is most games won
A single long deuce is played then short deuce (if required); the receiver chooses which side to return
Each player is be guaranteed 3 doubles matches per night
Thursday Night
Teams Fixtures
Times: 7:00pm - 9:30pm (approx.)
Cost: $95 per term ( 2 payments per season)
Singles and Doubles Format
Three players per team
Season length: 2 terms
Each player plays one singles and two doubles sets
Full set to 6 games, tie break at 5-all
A single long deuce is played then short deuce (if required); the receiver chooses which side to return
Friday Night
Match Play
Times: 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Singles and doubles competition.
Three players per team (with each player graded on their ability).
Each player plays one singles and two doubles sets. The duration of each set is 20 minutes.